Plants for Producing Fragrant Flowers Container Displays (Bringing Scent to the Garden)

In this article, plants for producing fragrant flowers in containers will be highlighted. In the garden, scent is often very important, as we often feel uplifted and more contented, when our olfactory glands are exposed to beautiful smells.

The plants will guarantee to attract visitors to the garden especially wildlife. Scented flowers always add a new dimension to the container garden as not only form and colour is introduced, but also a beautiful new dimension of scent.

It is best to situate scented plants close to a seated area, bear front doors, on both sides of a garden path so …

Grow Your Own Salad Leave Mixes in Containers (Grow Much More Than Lettuce)

This article concerns the growing of salad leave mixes in containers. In a previous post I touched upon how to grow salad leaves in containers, but now I want to go in this important topic in greater detail in what varieties can be grown, and how to make your own salad seed mixes.

In this way, you can mix and grow your own salad leaves that you like and avoid those that you prefer not to eat. No more picking out leaves that you do not like from store bought plastic bags of young salad leaves.

I will go …

Plants for Hanging Baskets-Not the Favourite Eight

There are many plants that can be grown in hanging baskets from upright to trailing plants. Each plant together forms a colourful display, which looks speculator in summer. They can be even a winter hanging basket where often little is in flower.

In previous posts, it was discussed how the hanging basket should be set up, from the use of liner, mosses, and compost. It is now time to discuss, which plants can go into these wire or the easy fill hanging baskets.

The big eight plants that are often used in hanging baskets throughout the land are …

Protecting your Containers from Slugs and Snails Attack (Stop them in their Tracks)

Plants that can be grown in containers that offer some resistance to slugs and snails attacks will be discussed in this article. What will be shown is that there is a wide range of plants that can be grown in containers to solve this problem.

In a previous post, I touched upon what slugs and snails damage they can do in container gardening. In that post recommendations to what can be done to minimize damage caused by these pests, such as slug pellets, beer traps, and copper tapes, was highlighted.


The problem is that slugs and …

Growing Plants in Containers in the Shade, Part III-Annuals, Biennials and Bulbs

In this final part of the series of plants that can be grown in containers in the shade, the annual, biennials and bulbs that can be used will be discussed. In previous parts shrubs, trees and perennials have been discussed.

You will note that more shrubs and perennials will grow in deep shade than annuals. You are more limited in what annuals will grow, and so less selection can be made. Most annuals will take light shade but will suffer in heavy shade. Annuals tend to prefer full sun in order to produce their colourful blooms because in the shade, …

Growing Plants in Containers in the Shade, part II-The Perennials

In a previous article in the series, trees or shrubs that can be grown in containers was discussed. It is now our attention turns to perennials that can be grown in containers in the shade. As with the shrubs and trees, there are some crossover, as some perennials can be grown in both sun and shade. Most perennials will take some light shade, but most cannot take dense shading at all.

The plants that can be grown in the shade are more limited to those that can be grown in full sun, but there are plants of interest that will …

Growing Plants in Containers in the Shade, Part I- Trees and Shrubs

In a previous series in growing plants in containers in the sun, trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals were described and their suitability to been grown in containers. It is now to turn our attention to growing plants in containers who can support the shade, where sunshine can become a premium.

In this first article of the series shrubs and trees that can be grown in containers in the shade will be discussed, in terms of the suitability in containers and their preferred growing conditions. The problem is that the most colourful plants require some sun to bloom, but …

Growing Plants in Containers in Full Sun, Part III-The Annuals

In the previous parts of this series, plants which can be grown in a sunny location has been discussed. Part I concern the shrubs and trees that can be grown in containers in full sun, whilst Part II was about perennials or perennials that are treated as annuals, and disposed of as the growing season comes to the end.

In this final part of the series of growing plants in containers in full sun, concerns the annuals or biennials that can be grown in a sunny location. As this can be quite extensive, then the list of plants will not …

Growing Plants in Containers in Full Sun, part II- The Perennials

As mentioned in the post Growing Plants in Containers in Full Sun, part I- Shrubs and Trees, plants of this nature was discussed. In this post the range of plants will be extended to perennials that can be grown in containers and window boxes in full sun will be enclosed.

The choice of what perennials that can be grown in full sun in containers are very extensive and this article will only scratch the surface of all possibilities. The container needs to be large enough (but not as large as those required for shrubs and trees) to hold enough …

Growing Plants in Containers in Full Sun, part I- Shrubs and Trees

As mentioned in previous posts on how extensively container gardening is, from container selection to containers’ arrangements. It is now time to think about the plants that can go into the containers and their suitability. In this article, the selection of shrubs and trees that can be grown in full sun (more than 6 hours per day of sunlight), will be discussed. This is part of a three-part series of growing plants in containers in full sun.

The choice of what shrubs and trees that can be used are quite extensive, as it will give a dramatic, sculptural focal point. …