In this article, we will discuss how to grow the small shrub of Dorycnium (Lotus) in containers. Dorycnium is a synonym of Lotus, a flowering plant in the Fabaceae (Legume) family. There are only 3 species known to exist- Lotus hirsutus (Dorycnium hirsutum), Lotus dorycnium (Dorycnium pentaphyllium) the prostrate canary clover, and Lotus herbaceus (Dorcynium herbaceum or Darycnium jardinii).
They are, in general, low-growing, silvery shrubs that are native to the Canary Islands. Lotus hirsutus is a semi-evergreen, subshrub that only grows up to 80cm high. It is grown for its attractive foliage, with closely packed leaflets of greyish-green and …