Growing Symphoricarpos in Containers- Growing Snowberry, Waxberry or Ghostberry

are In this article, we will discover how to grow Symphoricarpos, the Snowberry, in containers. Symphoricarpos, which has the common name of snowberry, waxberry or ghostberry, is a genus of 15 species that belong to the Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle) family. Apart from one species that Symphoricarpos sinensis which is naturally found growing in Western China, all other species are found in Northern or Central America. Its name comes about from the combination of two ancient Greek words- ‘Sumphorein’ meaning ‘to bear together’ and ‘Karpos’ meaning ‘Fruit’. This name comes about because the berries that form in autumn are closely packed …

Growing Zenobia in Containers- Growing the Elegant Shrub of Honeycup

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow Zenobia in containers. Zenobia or Honeycup to give its common name is the only species of shrub that belong to the Ericaceae (the Erica) family. It is found naturally growing in North America, where the only species is Zenobia pulverulenta (Syn. Z. speciosa).

This is one of the species that love acidic soils and does well with other classic lime haters such as Rhododendrons, Camellias, Callunas and Pieris. It is not common in the UK garden, which is surprising as it is easy to grow. Looks good growing above Heathers …

Growing Neillia in Containers- Growing Lace Shrub

In this article, we will discuss how to grow the attractive shrub of Neillia in containers. Neillia is named after the horticulturist and naturalist Patrick Neill. It used to belong to the genus Stephanandra but that has been moved to Neillia.

Neillia is a small genus of 15 to 17 species of deciduous shrubs or subshrubs that belong to the Rosaceae (the Rose) family. Neillia is found exclusively growing in Eastern and Central Asia, where they will grow freely. Stephanandra has just recently been found via phylogenetic analysis that it belongs to the Neillia family. It is speculated that Neillia …

Growing Santolina in Containers- Growing Cotton Lavender

In this article, we will discuss how to grow the beautiful dwarf shrub of Santolina in containers. Santolina is often given the common name of cotton lavender, because of its vague resemblance to Lavender. Santolina is a relatively small genus of 19 species belonging to the Asteraceae (Aster) family and to the tribe Anthemidae (the Chamomile tribe).

They tend to be found all over the Western Mediterranean region. What is common with all Santolinas is that they are small, low-growing, mound-forming, evergreen bushes that look great in containers.

It is grown for both its flowers and foliage, although some are …

Growing Sarcococca in Containers- Growing Christmas Box or Sweet Box


In this article, we will discuss how to grow the very fragrant and delightful shrub of Sarcococca in containers. Sarcococca is a relatively small genus of 11 flowering shrubs and plants that belong to the Buxacae (the Box) family. The genus name comes from two Greek words ‘Saix’ and ‘Kakkos’ which translates as ‘Fleshy Berry’ because of the black fruits it bears after it flowers.

They are native to eastern and South –Eastern Asia, especially to the Himalayas. They are slow-growing, evergreen plants that often only grow up to 2m high. In the spring and summer months, the shrub …

Growing Rubus in Containers- Growing Ornamental Brambles

In this article, we will find out how to grow the beautiful and not-often-seen flowering shrub of Rubus in containers. We are talking about plants that are grown for their colourful stems in winter or their floral displays or their fruits.

The popular, large white-striped, Rubus cockburnianus, is not suitable to be grown in containers as the plant is simply too large and unruly.

Rubus is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants that belong to the Rosaceae (Rose) family with over 1350 species known to exist. The familiar plants in the family are raspberry, blackberries and dewberries, and …

Growing Rosmarinus (Salvia Rosmarinus) in Containers- Growing Rosemary

In this article, we will discuss the familiar and useful herb plant of Rosmarinus and how to grow them in containers. Although Rosmarinus is no longer a genus recognized on its own because of taxonomic evidence and it has been moved to the larger Salvia genus.

They are small, woody, perennial shrubs and herbs that have fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and it belongs to the Lamiaceae (the Sage) family. They tend to be found in the Mediterranean areas of Europe and Asia, where it is found growing everywhere. The most common species that is found in a lot of gardens …

Growing Romneya in Containers- Growing the Tree Poppy

In this article, we will discover how to grow the heavenly-scented Romneya in containers. Romneya is a genus of two species of flowering subshrub that belong to the Papaveraceae (the Poppy) family. The genus is named after the Irish astronomer, John Thomas Romney Robinson and has the common name of Matilija poppies or Tree poppies. Romneyas are native to California and North America, which gives the idea that the plant is not totally hardy.

The two species you will find are Romneya coulteri and Romneya trichocalyx. The bluish-green leaves are deeply cut with a small fringe of hairs at the …

Growing Ribes in Containers- Growing Ornamental Currant

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow Ribes in containers. We are not talking about the blackcurrants, redcurrants, white currants or gooseberries that are grown for their edible fruits, but instead ornamental currants and decorative gooseberries that are used for the flowers that they produce.

The most popular one of these is flowering currants, which are seen in flower in early spring in gardens everywhere. Ribes are a fairly large genus of flowering shrubs that belong to the family Grossulariacae (the Saxifragales family). They are native to the colder and temperate regions of the North Hemisphere. They …

Growing Rhaphiolepsis in Containers- Growing This Unusual Shrub of Hawthorn

In this article, we will discuss how to grow the unusual shrub of Rhaphiolepsis in containers. Rhaphiolepsis is a genus of 15 species of evergreen shrubs that belong to the Rosaceae (the Rose) family. It is native to warm regions and subtropics of East and Southern Asia, Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Vietnam.

It is closely related to Eriobotrya, so close that the two genera have been hybridised to produce a hybrid Eriobotrya deflexa x Rhaphiolepsis indica, the Coppertone Loquat. The common name comes about due to its close relation to Crataegus, the Hawthorn, which has been transferred to some …