How to Grow Virginia Creeper and Boston Ivy in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow closely related climbers of Virginia creeper and Boston ivy in containers. Both these plants are very attractive in their own way.

In a previous article, I have talked about ivies, especially the English Ivy, but in this present article, we will talk about other climbers that looks just as colourful and attractive.


Virginia creeper can be said to be one of the best looking deciduous vines; it has green leaflets that come in 5, creating one whole leaf.

Its Latin name is Parthenocissus quinquefolia, where the …

How to Grow Ivy in Containers without Much Effort

In this article, we will discover how to grow ivy in containers and how to get the best from them.  Ivy is such a delightful plant growing against walls or fences, where a green mural is generated.

They are ideal if you have a large vertical surface area to cover, where boring walls and fences can be lifted without the need to ever paint them again.

Ivy is a self-clinging climber that spreads rapidly via the aerial roots that it produces. These roots will readily cling to brick walls and will not require any support structure to be used, once …

Growing Clematis in Containers-Growing the Versatile Climber

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow clematis in containers and how to get the best from them.

If you have a bare wall or fence to cover, or a trellis, or pergolas that need something to grow up, then the main go-to plant is a clematis. The reasons are numerous but the main two are that the flowers are colourful and produced in plenty and the second reason is that you have many varieties to choose from (over 400).

The flower can be either large or small but are produced in many colours, both singly or …

Growing Wisteria in Containers- Growing this Beautiful Climber

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow wisteria in containers. Wisteria is one of the most spectacular vines you can grow in your home, even more than clematises. It only not looks spectacular but it is also long-lived.


The vines that are produced tend to be heavy, twining deciduous and are decorative on their own right but this is nothing compared to the numerous long clusters of pea-like blooms that are borne in spring. These are followed by conspicuous seed pods that last well into winter.  The flowers are not only beautiful to …

Growing Passionflowers in Containers- Grow this Exotic Flower

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow passionflowers in containers. Passionflower or Passiflora to give its Latin name is a species that mainly originated from tropical woodlands in Central and South America. It is also found in Asia, Australia and the Pacific.

As you can imagine from the location shown, it is not a hardy plant and only a few varieties can be grown outdoors in the UK. In fact, a lot of the more exotic varieties need a temperature greater than 10 degree Celsius and so are only suitable for greenhouses.

The flowers are so wonderful, …

Growing Honeysuckle in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow honeysuckle in containers. If you want one climbing plant in the garden that not only looks attractive but produces colourful blooms that are often scented, then this is a plant for you.

A sunny wall or fence that has honeysuckle growing against it cannot be beaten.  It is a popular plant around the world and often grows wild in the countryside, including the UK.

It is an easy plant to grow and if your space is limited or if you do not have any ground to grow the plant in, …

Growing Trumpet Vine in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow trumpet vine in containers to give beauty in the garden. Trumpet vine or Campsis radicans to give its Latin name is a plant that is worth growing in the container garden because of what beauty and joy it will bring. This is provided that you keep its rampant growth in check.

In its native America, it is known as a Hummingbird plant, where the 5-7.5cm long, red-orange to yellow, trumpet-shape flowers, attract these birds to pollinate them. The flowers often appear in early to midsummer, where its attractiveness can be …

Plants for Hot and Dark Colours in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing what plants can be used in container displays. Hot hue flowers create some drama in the container garden, where brightly coloured blooms provide striking combinations with golden leaved plants such as Choisya ‘Sundance’ and Sambucus racemosa. The effect is enhanced when dark purple foliage plants or black foliage plants are mixed into the colour scheme.

You can cool the bright colours if amongst the plants you use some mid-green leaf varieties. Purple foliage matches most colour schemes can be used but with pastel shades of pink or peach to avoid unsightly clashes with …

Plants for Pastel Colours in Containers

In this article, we will be talking about the best plants for pastel colours in containers. When we talk about pastel colours we think about romantic colours, a planting scheme where pinks, lilacs, peaches and light yellows are used throughout the container display. It produces a calming effect especially as you sit in the garden, admiring your own handiwork. We have talked about plants for cool colours and now we extend the range to cover pastel colours.

The colours are easy on the eye and therefore sought after. The good news is that there is a wide range of plants …

Getting you Containers Summer Flower Ready

In a previous post (Getting you Containers Spring Flowers Ready) plants that can be used to give a colourful display in spring was discussed. Time is now moving on and now we must turn our attention to making our summer displays in container look beautiful.

In this article, we will be getting our containers summer flower ready. It is important to realise that whilst relaxing on the patio or backyard you will observe your containers more. This would mean the plants within them must look good, be of peak condition and be colourful all season long, or you will feel …