In this article, plants for walls, fences and other vertical surfaces in containers in the sun will be discussed particularly plant that can be used to cover bare walls.
Climbers are perfect for decorating wall and fences, where flowers of all colours, leaf shapes and texture, and plant forms can be used. There is nothing worse than looking at a bare wall in a garden, where instead it can be covered with interesting plants.

It is best that when you are planning which climber to plant that you use climbers that bloom at different times. For example, try teaming climbing roses that flower in early summer, with a late flowering clematis to give colour from early summer to early autumn.
Try not to partner two clematises that flowers at different times, as you risk cutting the flowers of early flowering varieties when pruning a later one to the ground in spring. This is because early and late flowering clematis have different pruning regimes. Early flowering clematis starts new growth in spring from old-growth, so will require little pruning. Later flowering clematis tends to flower on new growth and so would appreciate being pruned back hard in early spring.
Some climbers are self-clinging, such as Parthenocissus who stick to surfaces with adhesive pads or roots. Other climbers such as climbing rose need support on trellises or on galvanized wires affixed to vertical surfaces, If this is not done roses will flop all over the place.
What follows is my recommendation for what climbers to plant in containers in full sun to cover vertical spaces, especially plants for walls:

This large vigorous deciduous, woody-stemmed, twining climber will grow up to 4m in height. It is grown for its oval, green leaves which has splashes of white and pink markings, as the plants mature. In summer, small cup-shaped white flowers appear, which will look outstanding against a tall wall or fence, grow in a large container full of multipurpose compost.

This 2m tall wood-stemmed, twining climber has narrow, pointed green leaves. In summer small green-yellow bell-shaped flowers appear that are followed by decorative purple fruits in autumn.
In case you are wondering the fruits are edible, as long as you remove the seeds. It prefers to be grown in a large container full of multipurpose compost against a south-facing wall. Protect in winter from cold and frosty weather.

This 12m tall vigorous, deciduous, self- attaching climber has large leaves that are divided into oval-shaped leaflets. This plant is not totally cold-resistant and therefore will need protection in winter. In summer trumpet-shaped orange flowers are produced. Grow this climber in multipurpose compost in a large pot.
When planting any clematis it is best to remember the old adage ‘Clematis likes their heads in the sun, but their roots in the shade’. This method must be used when planting so it is best to place another container in front of the plant or to plant another plant in front of the clematis in the same container, to shade the plant’s roots.
Clematis tend to suffer from clematis wilt, which is a fungal disease that causes black spots to form on the plant, and it can be fatal. The best way to avoid this is to plant the Clematis 10cm deep, as this will have the added benefit of making the plant stronger or more multi-stemmed.
To grow clematis in containers make sure you use a 45cm tall container, where the clematis is planted at least 10cm below the crown, in a multipurpose compost. Water well until it has established.
CLEMATIS ALPINA (Alpine Clematis)

A deciduous clematis that has divided, mid-green leaves, where in early to late spring, lantern-shaped flower appear. The flowers are either blue, pink or white, which are followed by fluffy seed heads. It is ideal to grow in an exposed site where it will reach a height of 3m.
CLEMATIS ‘Angelique’

This is a compact 1.2m tall clematis that has mid-green leaves, which produces a mass of lilac-blue flowers from early summer to mid-autumn. Use it to decorate archers, pillars or tripods.

This is an early flowering clematis, where single, white scented flowers appear in early spring. This 5m tall climber is a vigorous evergreen that has lance-shaped, dark green leaves. Grow against a wall in a sheltered south facing location.
CLEMATIS ‘Bill Mackenzie’

This is a 7m tall, deciduous clematis that has dark green leaves, where yellow bell-shaped flowers with waxy petals appear from mid-summer to late autumn. The long flowering periods ensures that you will have blooms for many months. The flowers are followed by fluffy seed heads. Grow against a tall wall or using a very tall support structure.
CLEMATIS ‘Chantilly’

A small clematis that only grows up to 1.2m in height that has mid-green. From this scented, pale pink flowers are produced from summer to autumn. Plant this clematis against a wall, fence pergolas, or rose arch.
CLEMATIS ‘Doctor Ruppel’

This is another early flowering clematis, where large pink flowers with dark pink stripes appear throughout the summer months. It is deciduous climber that has mid-green leaves and will grow up to 2.7m in height. Will look good when growing up arches, fences or walls.
CLEMATIS ‘Duchess of Albany’

This 2.5m tall clematis has small, tulip shaped, pink flowers that have a deeper pink stripe inside each petal. Admire the flowers from summer to early autumn when grown against a fence, wall, or over an arch.
CLEMATIS ‘Etoile Violette’

In midsummer to autumn, an abundance of flat, single, violet purple flower with white stamens is produced. This late flowering deciduous clematis with mid-green leaves grows up to 5m in height. Looks great growing up fences, walls or pergolas.
CLEMATIS ‘Fireworks’

In late spring to early summer, large dark pink flowers with a central magenta strip of reach petal, appear. This 4m tall deciduous clematis has mid-green leaves, where it will grow well up walls, fences or trellises. Another flush of smaller flowers appears in late summer.

A 5m tall vigorous clematis that has divided, deciduous leaves, from which numerous small, almond-scented, starry white flowers appear. This large climber will require a large support structure, where you can admire the flowers from summer to early autumn.

A small, compact deciduous clematis that only grows up to 1.2m in height. From late spring to summer, deep purple flowers with a red stripe down the middle of each petal appear. Grow this mid green leave climber in a tripod or against a pillar.

A deciduous or semi-evergreen clematis that provides creamy white flowers, each having a central boss of purple stamens. This climber with its mid-green leaves will grow up to 2.5m tall when trained against a sunny sheltered wall.
CLEMATIS ‘Frances Rivis’

A spring flowering clematis where nodding violet-blue bell-shaped blooms with white centres appear. This deciduous clematis with it mid-green divided leaves will like good growing up against arches, walls or fences, where it will grow up to 5m tall.
CLEMATIS ‘Huldine’

A 4m tall vigorous, late flowering, deciduous clematis that has mid-green divide foliage. A profusion of small white flowers, with mauve underneaths, are produced from mid to late summer. Grow it up against pergolas, arches, walls or fences.
CLEMATIS ‘Jospheine’

In summer to early autumn, large double flowers appear in succession that pink-purple petals with cream underneaths. This 2.5m tall deciduous clematis with its broad green lance-shaped leaves looks stunning against a sunny wall.

This very tall deciduous clematis grows up to 10m in height and has divided mid-green leaves. In late spring to early summer small, white yellow centred blooms appear. Grow a large wall or around a pergola.

Like its partner mentioned above, this is a vigorous, early flowering, deciduous climber. This 10cm tall climber has purple-green leaves, where small cream centred pink flowers appear in late spring. Grow up a large wall against a house or large pergolas.
CLEMATIS ‘Perle d’Azur’

From mid-summer to autumn, this late flowering deciduous clematis produces large azure, blue flowers with pink/purple stripes on each petal and creamy green centres. This 3m long climber with its mid-green leaves, where it will appreciate growing against a wall or support frame.
CLEMATIS ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’

A late flowering, deciduous clematis that produces frilly, double purple-pink flowers with pale pink centres. This 4m tall climber has pale green leaves and flowers from midsummer to late autumn. Grow it against a large wall or fence.

A vigorous and late-flowering deciduous clematis where coarse green leaves are covered with masses of fragrant tubular, nodding, yellow flowers. The flowers appear from midsummer to autumn and ideally grown against a large wall or pergola, where it will grow up to 7m in height.

This 6m tall vigorous clematis has mid-green leaves, where throughout summer and early autumn yellow bell-shaped flower appear. Grow it against a large wall or fence.
COBAEA SCANDENS (Cup and Saucer Vine)

This is an evergreen perennial climber, that is often grown as an annual. This quick-growing climber has dark green leaves, from which creamy green scented, cup-shaped flowers appear from midsummer to autumn, thus 5 m tall climber will quickly cover a wall, arch or tripods, grow it in multipurpose compost in a large container.

A tender evergreen, twining climber that has dark green leaves, where trumpet-shaped, crimson red flowers appear in summer. It requires warm growing conditions and is best planted in multipurpose compost in a frost-free place, like a conservatory.

This evergreen tendril climber is often grown as an annual. This 3m tall climber has small, green leaves, and orange-red tubular flowers from summer to autumn. Grow this climber in large pots full of multipurpose compost, where it is allowed to grow up arches, tripods or frames.

This 6m tall evergreen climber has slim, lance-shaped dark green leaves, where in summer bright yellow trumpet-shaped blooms appear. Grow this climber in multipurpose compost in a sunny sheltered site, against a wall or fence. Be warned as all parts are toxic.
HUMULUS LUPULUS (Golden Hop) ‘Aureus’

A 6m tall perennial, twining climber that is often grown for its pendent straw-colour flower heads that appear in autumn. The flower heads resemble cones, which stick out from the rough-toothed lobed, yellow-green leaves. Grow in a large container full of multipurpose compost, where it would look stunning when growing over a fence or wall.
IPOMOEA COCCINEA (Red Morning Glory)

This is a tender, annual climber which has heart-shaped mid-green leaves. In late summer, small fragrant, scarlet-red flowers with yellow throats appear, where you can train up tripods, arches or walls.
Grow this climber in multipurpose compost, where it will grow up to 3m tall.
IPOMOEA TRICOLOR (Morning Glory) ‘Heavenly Blue’

A fast-growing annual climber, with heart-shaped leaves that grows up to 3m in height. From summer to early autumn. Large blue funnel-shaped flowers appear. Grow this quick-growing annual in a multipurpose compost, where it will cover fences, walls, or arches.
JASMINUM HUMILE (Italian Jasmine) ‘Revolution’

A 2.5m tall evergreen, shrubby climber that has glossy, green leaves that dived into leaflets. In early spring to early summer clusters of small, fragrant, tubular, yellow flowers appear. Grow this climber in a large container full of multipurpose compost.

A deciduous or semi-evergreen woody-stemmed climber that grows up to 12m in height. Highly fragrant, white flowers appear over divided, green leaflets, grow this climber over pergolas in large containers full of multipurpose compost. Cut back in late winter to keep it tidy.

This deciduous perennial climber is often grown as an annual. It has small, dark green leaves where pink pea-like flowers appear in summer. This is followed by decorative long, purple pods whose seeds can be eaten. Grow this 6m tall climber in a large pot of multipurpose compost, where it would be allowed to climb up fences and walls.
LONICERA x BROWNII (Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle) ‘Dropmore Scarlet’

This is a semi-evergreen or deciduous climber that will grow up to 4m in height. It has rounded, blue-green leaves, where in summer to early autumn, scarlet, tubular blooms are produced. If you are looking for a scented honeysuckle this is not for you.
This climber is not totally hardy, so protect it in winter by covering with horticultural fleece, where it will appreciate being grown in a large container full of multipurpose compost.

This semi-evergreen or deciduous climber has dark, oval, green leaves that are blue-green underneath. Grow this 5m tall climber in a large container full of multipurpose compost, where in summer fragrant, pink flowers with orange splashes are produced. This is sometimes followed by red berries. You will need to provide a large support structure.

This 7m tall deciduous climber has dark, oval green leaves, which is white green underneath. In summer scented tubular, white, yellow or red flowers appear, where it can cover pergolas, wall, fences or arches. Grow in a multipurpose compost in a large container.

In late spring to summer bright coppery orange flowers appear in clusters over blue-green, oval leaves. This 5m tall deciduous climber is ideal grown at the side of a house or over a large fence. Grow it in a large container full of multipurpose compost.

A tender, evergreen climber that will grow up to 3m in height. It has dark green leaves where pink funnel-shaped flowers appear in summer. Grow this plant indoors in cold climates or treat it as an annual, where it can be trained up tripods or arches. This climber appreciated being grown in a large container full of multipurpose compost. In summer shade the plant from the strong midday sun.

A vigorous, deciduous, climber that will need some support. This 10m tall climber is grown for its palm-shaped dark green leaves with cream veining. The leaves turn crimson in autumn where blue- black berries are produced. Support this climber well as it will be heavy. Grow it in a very large container full of multipurpose compost.

This is a very large deciduous vigorous self-clinging climber, which can grow up to 15m in height. It has green, rounded leaves that are divided into oval, toothed edge leaflets. The leaves will turn bright red and orange in autumn which is their unique selling point. Provide a massive structure with ample support. Grow in a very large container, such as a half wooden barrel filled with multipurpose compost.

This is a giant climber that can easily grow up to 20m in height. You will need a massive wall to grow up and unless you have the space I would give it a miss. It is grown for its large lobed, green leaves that turn shades of red in autumn. This vigorous, deciduous, self-clinging climbers best grown in a very large container (the largest you can possibly buy) full of multipurpose compost.

This tendril evergreen or semi-evergreen climber has glossy, dark green lobed leaves. In summer to autumn, white and purple flowers appear, that are followed by orange fruits. Grow up a large support structure, where it will reach up to 10m in height when planted in multipurpose compost in a large container.

A tender evergreen, scrambling climber that has small dark green leaves. From summer to early autumn, large clusters of blue flowers appear. Grow it against a sunny sheltered wall outside in a multipurpose compost, where it will grow up to 6m in height, In cold regions, it would need protection by covering with horticultural fleece.

This is an annual climber that grows up to 3m in height. It has heart-shaped mid-green leaves from late spring to late autumn, umbrella-shaped pink flower with dark maroon tubes appear. Grow in a multipurpose compost in a large container, where the plant can trail over a tripod.
Climbing roses can be grown in containers as long as you use a tall and wide container, such as half-wooden barrel.
Roses are such heavy feeders and will go through their nutrients very quickly. This is why it is recommended to grow your climbing roses in an enriched multipurpose compost in which extra organic manures have been added.
Feed regularly throughout the growing season, ensuring at least once a month that it is fed using specialized rose feed, or if you do not have the time you can add 6 months slow release fertilizer designed for roses. This will ensure that the roses get the right amount of nutrients throughout the growing season.
Roses are notorious for suffering from blackspot, which is a fungal disease that affects roses’ leaves. Sprays are becoming less common but you can still buy some that will treat this disease.
Spraying is still effective but buying disease-resistant varieties is even better.
ROSA ‘Albertine’

In summer this rose produces scented salmon pink, fully double flowers in a single flush. This 5m tall vigorous rambling rose has arching stems and dark, green glossy leaves.
ROSA ‘Aloha’

A 2.5m tall hybrid climbing tea rose that has some disease resistance. It produces dark green leaves from which pink and salmon, fully double, fragrant blooms appear in two flushes-one in summer and another in autumn.
ROSA BANKSIAE (Yellow Banksia) ‘Lutea’

This is a vigorous, thornless climbing rose that grows up to 10m in height. It has small, green leaves, where in spring smalls unscented, fully double, yellow rosette-shaped flowers appear in summer in one flush. Needs to be grown in a sunny, sheltered position against a wall or tall fences. It will also need protection from cold winds.
ROSA ‘Climbing Cecile Brunner’

This disease-resistant vigorous climber that grows up the 5m in height. It has dark green leaves, where from summer to late autumn small scented, fully double, pink flowers appear en masse. Grow it up a pergola or wall.
ROSA ‘Climbing Lady Hillingdon’

A vigorous, climbing hybrid tea rose that has dark green leaves, which are coppery red when young. This 5m tall climber produces large, apricot- yellow, fragrant flowers that appear all summer. Ideal trained on a house wall or over pergolas.
ROSA ‘Compassion’

A short climbing hybrid tea rose that grows up to 3m in height. It has some disease resistance, where fragrant double salmon flowers appear from summer to autumn. Green glossy leaves appear on thornless stems, where it can be grown against walls or pergolas.
ROSA ‘Dortmund’

A Short climbing disease-resistant rose that only reaches 3m in height. Clusters of flat, single red roses with white centres appear from summer to autumn, over dark green leaves. Mulch in spring, where it will grow overran arch or pergola.
ROSA ‘Dublin Bay’

A very short climbing rose that only grows up to 2.2m in height. It has disease-resistant glossy, dark green leaves, where double, bright red flowers appear in two flushes. In summer and again in autumn. Grow it against a wall, arch or a pergola.
ROSA ‘Felicite et Perpetue’

A 5m tall vigorous climbing rose that has semi-evergreen, glossy, green leaves. In summer, clusters of scented fully double white to light pink flowers are produced in a single flush. Grow this climber up a large wall or a pergola.
ROSA ‘Laura Ford’

This 2.2m tall branching climbing rose has scented, urn-shaped, double, yellow flowers that appear in two flushed in summer and autumn. Grow this small, glossy green leave climber up arches or pergolas,
ROSA ‘Mermaid’

This 6m tall disease resistant climbing rose has glossy, green leaves, where in summer to autumn, single, primrose-yellow flowers appear. Grow this climber near your front door, where the thorns can deter intruders.
ROSA ‘New Dawn’

A 5m tall climbing rose, where fragrant double pale pink-white flowers are borne in clusters from summer to autumn. Grow this climber with glossy, dark green leaves against sunny walls, fences or pergolas. Has an added bonus that it can also be grown against a north-facing wall.
ROSA ‘Rambling Rector’

A vigorous rambler rose that grows up to 6m tall. It offers some disease resistance where clusters of scented, semi-double, white blooms with yellow centres, appear above greyish-green leaves. Grow it up against a large wall or fence, where it will grow up to 6m tall. Best for larger gardens.
ROSA ‘Seagull’

A 6m tall vigorous rambler rose, that offer disease-resistant, glossy, light, green leaves. In late spring, clusters of fragrant, single, white flowers with yellow centres appear in a single flush. Grow it up against a large wall or fence, where it will look the best in larger gardens.
ROSA ‘Summer Vine’

This short climbing disease-resistant rose only grows up to 3m in height. From summer to autumn, small clusters of fragrant flat-faced, semi-double coral pink flowers are produced. Grow it up walls, fences, arches or pillars.

A deciduous self-clinging climber that grows up to 12m in height. In summer, clusters of tiny flowers with petal-like bracts, resembling lace cap hydrangeas blooms appear over green heart-shaped leaves. Grow this climber in a very large container full of multipurpose compost.
SOLANUM CRISPUM (Chilean Potato Tree) ‘Glasnevin’

This is a 6m tall semi-evergreen scrambling climber that has slim, green, oval leaves, where from summer to autumn, clusters of fragrant lilac flowers with yellow eyes appear. Grow this climber in a sheltered spot in a multipurpose compost in a large container.

A tall 10m evergreen, twining climber that has rounded leaves that divide into oval leaflets. In spring, clusters of fragrant violet tinged white flowers appear, followed by egg-shaped purple fruits on female species. Grow it up walls and pergolas in multipurpose compost in a sheltered spot.

This fast-growing annual twining climber will reach a height of 3m, It has oval to heart-shaped leaves, where small rounded, flat, orange or yellow flowers with dark centres appear from early summer to autumn. Grow this annual in a pot full of multipurpose compost, where it can trail over trellises and pergolas.

This 6m tall twining evergreen climber that has small, dark green leaves. In summer small scented, starry, white flowers that slowly turn yellow appear. Grow it in multipurpose compost where it is allowed to climb in a sunny, sheltered location against a wall.

A tall evergreen, twining climber that grows up to 9m in height, It has small glossy, dark green leaves that turn bronze in winter. In summer clusters of highly scented white starry flowers appear. Grow it in a large container full of multipurpose compost up a sunny, sheltered wall.

This is a twining climber that has rounded, blue-green leaves divided into oval leaflets. In summer, this 3m tall climber produces scarlet flowers in an abundance that are followed by spherical, bright blue fruits. Grow this climber in enriched moisture retentive multipurpose compost with its roots in the shade. Ideal to grow in a sheltered position up against a wall.
VITIS COIGNETINE (Crimson Glory Vine)

This very tall vigorous deciduous tendril climber will grow up to 15m in height. It has large heart-shaped, textured leaves that turn a vivid red and purple colour in autumn. In summer, insignificant green flowers appear, which are followed by small, black berries. Grow it up a large wall or pergola in a very large container full of multipurpose compost.
VITIS VINIFERA (Grape Vine) ‘Purpurea’

This 7m tall deciduous tendril climber is grown for its lobed, maple-like purplish leaves that turn much darker red in autumn. Grow this climber in a very large container full of multipurpose compost against a large wall or a pergola. In summer tiny, pale green flowers are produced that are followed by unpalatable purple berries.
In this article, plants for walls, fences and other vertical surfaces in containers in the sun has been discussed, with a number of colourful suggestions been made. As you can see there numerous climbers that can be grown in containers, covering various heights, leaves colours and shapes, and a whole rainbow of colours.
Most will require to be grown in large containers full of multipurpose compost and supported with strong structures. No matter your preference if you need to cover a bare wall, a bare fence or you want something to grow up a pergola, there is a plant for you.
If you have a question that has you climbing up the walls or a comment that you need to make, please do so in the comment box below.
Happy Gardening.
A beautiful article talking about beautiful plants I must commend. Vertical plants are very good to cover wall surface I agree but I learnt of the hazard associated with some plants being prone to attract deadly serpent and that has been the reason I haven’t tried planting such in my home. Please is this true? I have a baby and a kid at home, I wouldn’t want to endanger them. But if this is not teie, then I have no problems with planting any of this in my home.
Hi RoDarrick
I do not think that these climbers will hide any snakes, as they will not be ideal hiding places. You should go for it as this will brighten up any dull wall, fence or other vertical surfaces. If you do not try you do not know if it works or not.
Kind Regards
Wow, I never knew these plants are as beautiful as I’ve heard. My wife is a floriculturist and have often told me alot about the beauty of climbing plants but I don’t really give much attention to it. She loves to talk about ROSA ‘Dortmund’ because of its color. Reading through this post gives me more interest in flowers than my wife. I’ll love to have a combination of these plants on my wall. Hope it doesnt matter having more than one specie together?
Hi Dane
Thank you for your kind words and having a wife who is a floricuturist then you are really blessed. As highlighted in the post it is difficult when growing clematises that flower at different times of the year, as they have different pruning regimes. Get it wrong and you could have pruned the wrong plant, and then your wife would really kill you. All others are more easier to look after.
Thank you
I agree using flowering plants against bare walls and fences in a garden make for a beautiful background. It enhances the area giving it different dimensions and depth. The flowers you list are wonderful plants to use for this type of gardening. When you are planting the climbing roses and adding trellises you are adding even more details, color and beauty to a plain area. I think your article gives the reader a good idea of how it can look with the picture you added.
Hi Terri
Thank you for your full endorsement of my article and I hope you get a full great ideas on what to use to cover walls , fences, pergolas, trellises and other vertical surfaces.
The beauty of vertical gardening is that the beauty can be seen at eye level, something which other gardens cannot do.
Kind regards
Hello Antonio,
Once again you amazed me with your gardening expertise. I love the wide selection of plants for walls and fences. I have seen houses with brightly colored flowers on their walls. Thanks to your information, I found out that we shouldn’t combine flowering plants that blooms in different season. I thought it was the other way around. Just one question, I observed that your recommended flowering plants blooms in a particular season. I come from a tropical country and we only have hot and rainy season. Do you have any suggestion for us? One that can withstand both hot and rainy weather. I can’t really tell the exact months coz we got a very unpredictable weather in the Philippines. As I read the article, it seems to me that Yellow Banksia is the only one that grown better in direct sunlight. I hope I can look for more brightly colored plants clinging on our fence.
Hi Missus B
You are right to highlight that in different growing conditions in different countries, will have a pronounced effect on what you can grow. Clematises will do well in your country and as there are such a wide selection of plants. All you need to do in hot countries is make sure that you water frequently and offer some shade. Under these conditions most plants will do well.
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
Hi Antonio.
Thank you so much for providing such an amazing and beautiful post. It was really nice to read your post which was about Plants for Walls, Fences and Other Vertical Surfaces in Containers in the Sun. In your post you have nicely mentioned so many climbers for wall with their name, picture and details and also given some suggestion for choosing especially you said to bear in mind about the season. I love all the flower plants you have described. I will like to have Yellow Jasmine for my wall because I love the flower jasmine and also yellow color.
Again thanks for your beautiful post, I really learned many thing by reading this post and I am gonna share this amazing post to others.
Hi Monalisha
Thank you for your visit and those kind words. I believe if you give people more choice then you are more likely to find plants that you will like. Jasmine is such a beautiful plant that had an added bonus of being heavily scented. Climbers not only look stunning but will turn the plain to the spectacular.
Kind Regards
Whao, am seeing many beautiful wall flowers in here. I like the idea of planting different flowers that can grow out at different period. Hope the flower can not weaken the wall of the building? I like all these collections. if I ever want to adopt this kind of gardening. I will like to go for the Rosa and Ipomoea tricolor. I like how the colors are. Nature is beautiful.
Hi Stella
Thank you for your much appreciated comment. You no need to worry about the wall falling down, as the weight will be distributed evenly, so unlikely to find weak points. Let us say that people have been growing plants against.walls for a number of years and are still standing without physical damage.
Your choices are really beautiful ones and will look stunning growing against any wall.
Kind Regards
I’ve only done some studies on climbers (that was few years ago). For sure climbers are highly versatile and are also invaluable for adding ascent, flowers, foliage and a wonderful scent when compared to flat garden landscapes (not that they are bad anyways). They can be a haven for birds such as robins and wrens which will look to nest in them and that’s really cool. We are planning to do a container garden to beautify our home, and i consider this post as the info we need to get started.
Thanks for taking time to write on this.
Hi Jordan
Thank you for your kind words and I wish you all the success in your container garden adventure. Climbers have everything and will make plain walls look like a beautiful focal point. The wildlife benefit is a major plus as well
Kind regards
This is exactly what I was looking for, some plants to cover my backyard wall and fences. I really would like to grow some climbers with flowers.
Trumpet line and Doctor Ruppel are my favourite. They are so colourful, I really love them. What plants do you think will grow nicely on fences?
Thanks for sharing so many beautiful plants. I have to get them 🙂
Hi Christine
Thank you for stopping by. To answer your question, it is dependent on the size of your fence, but you cannot go wrong with short clematises and short climbing roses. Think about the added benefit that you will not need to paint the fence. Pruning roses beats painting any day.
Kind Regards
Great article here. My parent’s house has a lot of ’empty’ walls that may need to be decorated. We originally planned it to be painted with graffiti, but decorating it with climber plants sounds like a good idea too. There are a lot of plants that you recommend in the wall, so I will check with my parent which one they like to use for decoration. Thanks
Hi Alblue
Thank you for your visit and your parents should get a lot from a visit to my website, as there are a wide choice of plants that can be grown in containers.
Kind Regards