Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate, a Plant Invigorator-A Review

Spraying a plant is very effective
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Name of Product: Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate, Organic Plant Biostimulant

The Best Place to Buy:

Supply as a 500ml Bottle

Shipping Weight: 0.621kg

My Rating: 8.5/10

In this article, we will be discussing Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate to see if it is effective in the container garden.

Garlic is not only good for the heart it seems but is also good for your garden. It not only repels vampires but also repels bad insects from your container garden.

Garlic is effective in the garden,
Garlic is effective in the garden

You may be surprised to know that garlic makes an effective insecticide, an effective foliar feed and organic fungicide in gardening.

We are all starting to become more aware of our wildlife that reside and live in our gardens. We know the effect that insecticides have on this wildlife which can be detrimental. Gardeners are looking to organic methods in order to stop infestations, whilst not harming beneficial insects. This is where garlic comes into play, as this bulb has various uses in the garden.

Garlic contains a vast array of sulfur-containing compounds that have multiple uses in the garden. It is not only an effective insecticide, it also an effective fungicide and is a natural deterrent.

The best thing about garlic sprays is that it does not use harmful chemicals or leave any residue that can be harmful to beneficial insects or to humans themselves. This is where Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate comes into play.

When garlic concentrate is diluted to the right concentration, it can be used and applied to vegetables, fruits, perennials, annuals, shrubs, trees, and indoor plants.


This is a very effective spray for growing plants with. It leaves no residue and eliminates the need for harsh chemicals to be used.

The main ingredient of the concentrate is the garlic bulb, which can be used as foliar or root feed on all garden plants mentioned above.

Garlic Wonder contains high amounts of sulfur and selenium, which can stimulate growth, encourage resistance to fungal infections and strengthens the plant after fungal, pests and viral attacks.

Aphids are a pest in the garden
Aphids are a pest in the garden

If it is used in the correct manner and if the written instructions are followed to the tee, then Garlic Wonder would be sure to care for wildlife and protect the environment.

It should not harm beneficial insects or other animals from earthworms, bees, ladybirds, and lacewings.

When using the garlic in spray form, you will need to dilute it to the stated concentration level, where it can be used as:


When you spray a plant directly on it leaves with garlic spray, it will be effective at treating aphids, some beetles, caterpillars, spider mites, whiteflies, ants and moths. It can also be used as a compost treatment for snail and slugs, fungus gnats, and nematodes.


The sulfur-containing compounds will treat a variety of fungal and mildew diseases. It is very effective in treating powdery mildew.


When garlic sprays are mixed with chillis. It can be used as a deterrent for mice, rats, rabbits, and dear. To do this mix one tablespoon of cayenne pepper with the recommended amount of dilute garlic mixture before spraying the plants.


Sulfur and selenium are trace elements that can give plants a boost. Sulfur in plants is an essential nutrient which helps in the formation of enzymes and in plant proteins. It is required in low quantities.

Spraying a plant is very effective
Spraying a plant is very effective

Selenium is another essential trace element in low concentrations, as it is believed to increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes and to increase the tolerance of the plant to stress.

The product can be used inside and outside because it does not have a garlic smell that lingers. It can even be used with no ill effect, up to harvest. This is such a great advantage. It will not leave an unpleasant smell or taste, as the spray becomes odourless within minutes.


All you have to do is dilute the garlic concentrate to the desired concentration and place it in a sprayer bottle. You will then need to shake well ensuring that the garlic concentrate and water are mixed well.

The prepared garlic mixture can then be sprayed in dry conditions, where the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits can be covered with the mixture.

You will need to start spraying at the beginning of the season, whilst the plant is still young. This has to be repeated every 7-10 days, where it is best to apply the spray late in the afternoon, where bee activity is lower and the plants are more receptive.

When spraying it is best to spray little and often.


  • For how many spray bottles this will make, it is relatively cheap.
  • Effective in treating insect infestations.
  • Effective as an organic fungicide.
  • Can promote more vigour and growth in the plant.
  • Can act as a natural deterrent.
  • Organic chemicals are used and will not kill beneficial insects and will protect the environment.
  • No lingering smells. No taste and can be used up to harvesting time of the fruit.


  • It may not be totally effective. One disease that garlic plants suffer from is rust, a type of fungal infection. It, therefore, makes sense to induce that garlic will not be effective in treating rust infections.
  • Garlic can seriously irritate the eyes, so you need to wear eye protection when using the bottle sprayer. You have to use the spray regularly as clockwork, otherwise, once stop the infection or pest may come back with a vengeance.


I have used it for a number of years with great success, I first started using it in my greenhouse, and where the tomatoes I grew started getting botrytis (Grey Mould), which can destroy tomatoes on the vine. I hope that by using the spray I would stop the infection from developing, as the growing season went on. Guess what it worked.

If it worked for me, it most certainly will work for you.

If you follow the instruction exactly, you will reap the reward and your crops will be saved. A product that can treat infestations and fungal diseases, and is organic is a rare beast in gardening. This product fills the brief very well. I must stress it will only work if you use the product regularly as any lapse will be punished.

I recommend this product for those who wish to protect the environment and for any type of gardener. If you want to buy this product, then buy it here.

If you have any question or comments that you wish to make, please do so in the comment box below.

Thank you.


14 thoughts on “Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate, a Plant Invigorator-A Review”

  1. I’ve been maintaining container plants so seeing this post is perfect timing and very insightful. I’m all about organic concentrate so I am glad to have come across Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate, Organic Plant Biostimulant and I appreciate such as thorough review. Garlic is one of my favorite ingredients to roast with things like broccoli, chicken and potatoes, so I am pleasantly surprised to see that it works well in soil too. That it is an effective insecticide is also outstanding. I am not a fan of pesticides so I really like an organic alternative. I think 18 pounds is a fair price for this product and I have saved your link for when it’s soon time to order. Thanks for a great review and I’m looking forward to reading more!

    1. Hi Pentrental 

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. It is always surprising to what garlic can be used for, it is not only good for you but also your garden,

      Kind Regards


  2. Well! This seems relatively new to me as a means of getting to control my garden and rid them off. Garlic organic concentrate seems rather interesting and seeing how much could be used for the constituent that it is made up of. I really like this. I guess I’ll prefer the spray m product provided here. This is great and thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Rodarrick

      Thank you for stopping by once again and commenting. I am glad you are enjoying this product review, and hope you are thinking about buying some.

      Kind regards


  3. Hello, 

    I read your review about Garlic Wonder Organic and I was wondering if it can be used on every type of plant or only on specific ones. 

    I read in your review that one of the cons of this product is that it sometimes it’s not effective. What does this depend on? Are rust infections the only case where it will not work? And are sunglasses an effective eye protection when using it?

    1. Hi dreamgirl

      Like all organic insecticides, it cannot be effective for all bugs and all diseases, It is hard to tell which plant is may not work for, as this will change from location to location, Rust is a common disease of roses, hollyhocks and other plants, it will not be effective in treating this condition on this plants. it depends on the bug themselves and how well plants respond to treatment. Too many variables to be certain.

        For other fungal infection apart from rust, it should work well if used frequently.No sunglasses are not enough, I would recommend using google, as these wrap around the eyes better.

      Thank you for stopping by.


  4. To be sincere, this is actually the first time I’m hearing about garlic wonder and obviously the first time I’m knowing of the idea of using garlic as insect repellent, thanks a lot for bringing that to my notice, I don’t really like garlic because it smell affects me, who could have thought that it’ll be something I’ll need later on. I’ll get the product online and I’ll give it a trial, I’m sure it’ll be good. Thanks.

    1. Hi Wildecoll

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. What I say if you do not try, then you do not know if it works. So give it a try.



  5. What an excellent idea! Garlic Wonder Organic Concentrate sounds like the perfect product! 

    I am always searching for effective natural treatments of all types. I have often included garlic in my homemade mosquito/bug repellent sprays I create each year. I also take advantage of garlic’s antibacterial and antifungal properties to boost immunity and heal infections. I never thought of using it as a spray for my plants though!

    I wonder if planting garlic itself within the garden would have a similar effect? What are your thoughts on this?

    1. Hi Shan

      Yes, you can make your own garlic spray but this concentrate has added ingredients that will benefit your plants.   it may not be perfect but then no insecticide is, but if you use it in the garden you should see a vast improvement.  I aim for people to make their own, but sometimes it is better left to the experts to make their own.

      Kind Regards


  6. Gardening is a very nice thing to do, but having just infestations on your plants is very much a means to get you really pissed at the whole experience and some times using chemicals to treat these pests on your plants isn’t always the best option because some of them can affect the health of the plant. Indeed garlic has a very wide range of advantages and this is the first time I am reading up that it can be used as insecticide. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

    1. Hi Benson

      It is my pleasure to bring new information to my readers and hope you will apply it to your own gardening needs as well. Garlic is good for you, as well as good for your plants.



  7. A nice and informative article. I have tried other types of organic pesticide such as vinegar and cayenne pepper mixes with little to no luck. I had no idea that garlic was suitable to be used as a pesticide. I will definitely give this a go in my little veggie garden and hopefully it will keep the critters away!

    1. Hi Ryan

      Give it a try and you may be surprised to what may happen ion your garden. It most certainly can not get worse if your garden is heavily infested with aphids.



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