Name of Product: Garten Gluck Leaf Spot Treatment- Organic Neem Oil for Plants.
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: 16cm x 6.5cm x 6.2cm
Product Volume :250ml
My Rating: 7.5/10 depending on use.
In this article, we will be discussing if it is advantageous in using neem oil in the garden. Is it effective in stopping pests? Is it effective in treating fungal infection of plants? If you read on, you will find out.

As we walk around the garden, we often notice little problems with our garden. There are aphids on your plant, you plants have various spots often brown or black and they generally do not look at their best. You do not know what to do, so you research it online to find solutions. In your quest, you find that neem oil is a potential solution and hence why you are reading this article.
In the past, I have talked about garlic wonder as a potential solution and SB Invigorator but let us look at another possibility-Neem oil.
Before we dwell into the review, what is neem oil and why is it beneficial in the garden?
This is actually a vegetable oil that is often cold-pressed (in heat applied) from the fruit and seeds of the Azadirachta indica plant (Neem tree plant). This is an evergreen tree that is often only found in the Indian subcontinent before being introduced to many areas in the tropics. The neem oil is a commercial product that is often used for organic farming and medicines.

Neem oil colours vary from batch to batch, depending the time the seeds and fruit have been soaked. It can be bright yellow, yellow-brown, red-brown, dark brown, green-brown, or even bright red. Once you open a bottle of neem oil the first thing you notice is its smell. It is pungent and reminds you of a strong combination of peanuts and garlic.
It is mainly composed of fatty acids but also contains triglycerides and triterpenoids compounds, responsible for the bitter taste. Triterpenoids tend to give neem oil some if it’s beneficial properties such as antiseptic, antifungal, antipyretic (for those who have a fever but not much good for plants) and antihistamines (again good for those who suffer allergies).
So it has health benefits for both humans and plants.
The method of processing the seeds and fruits will affect the composition of the oil. This is because no two processes will produce the same composition, which tends to vary from 25 to 45%. One of the main ways of producing neem oil is through cold pressing of the seed, which some claim is the best method of production.
The main use of neem oil in the garden is as a biopesticide (a natural based pesticide). This is because it is said to repel a large variety of pests including aphids, beetles include Japanese beetles, caterpillars, fungus gnats, some flies, leaf miners, locusts, mites, moth larvae, mealy bugs, nematodes, thrips and whiteflies.

A lot of insects are covered, what makes this a superb product as that firstly it is organic, especially if no pesticides have been used in its production, and secondly it is not harmful to friendly visitors to the garden. It is not harmful to birds, butterflies, ladybirds, bees, earthworms or the mammals that visit your gardens.
It is concentrated even if any of the animals are consumed in the food chain, so secondary poisoning is avoided.
It works because the chemical it produces azadirachtin, an antifeedant, which inhibits the plant being attacked by insects. It makes the plant less attractive to the attacking pests. It has even been found to repel slug and snails, which is a big plus in my books.
It is not only a pesticide but it can treat various fungal infections in plants. It can treat blackspots and other leaf spots, powdery mildew, anthracnose and rust. It not only treats the disease but also as a protective layer to prevent diseases from acting in the first place. It can prevent the disease from happening in the first place.
It is claimed to be a quick-acting formula and should work after the first application. It is effective in treating a wide range of plants both indoors and outdoors. This makes it an ideal product against strong fungicides and pesticides that often kill in the garden indiscriminately; it will not harm the friendly animal and insect that visit the garden and more importantly, you.
The bottle that you purchase conveniently comes in a spray bottle and combined 4 natural products: neem oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil and white vinegar. All you need to do is apply it in the morning until the leaves it is applied too is completely wet. Vinegar, Peppermint oil and Rosemary oil also have antifungal properties, so you are getting 4 effective ingredients.
Shake the bottle well, spray the leaves and soil and repeat after two days. What can be simpler than that?
- It is an organic product.
- Can be used as a pesticide for a wide range of insects in the garden.
- Can be used for some fungal diseases.
- Will not harm beneficial insect or animals that visit your garden.
- Does not have the unpleasant smells often associated with neem oil.
- Combines 4 effective chemicals that have antifungal properties.
- Based on Germany ingenuity, what more to say?
- Will not be effective against all pests and all fungal diseases, you find on plants. You will need to use it on a trial and error basis to see if it works on your plants or not.
- It is not exactly cheap for how much you get.
In recent years, I have seen neem oil used increasingly in the garden and as a result, I can report first hand to what I have seen. It does help to defer some pests, especially effective against aphids and spider mites.
For fungal diseases, it does have some benefits, especially useful if it used before a fungal infection is intermittent. For example, spraying a rose bush reduces the amount of black spot it will exhibit. It does have uses in the garden and anything that reduces the uses of strong pesticides and fungicides in the garden is a big plus in my book.
If you want to try this product and see if it transfers your problematic garden, please do so here.
If you have any questions or comments that you wish to make on this subject, please do so in the comment box below.
Start using neem oil today.
Hi, I’ve read your article “Why the Gardener should use Neem oil, a Review of Garten Gluck Leaf Spot”
It’s very interesting and useful.
It’s also very nice.
Thank you so much for specifying the pros and cons.
Thank you so much for writing this article.
You did a great job!
Can’t wait for your next work.
Hi Rosalina
It is my pleasure
Well,I would say this is the first time that I would be hearing g about this neem oil and I would say that I never actually knew about the existence of it before now. Actually seeing all you shared here and what it does to ensure that plants can retain their good health and grow well is rather a greater proposition here. So, this is actually great. Thanks
Hi Kimberley.
I try to be as helpful as possible and been oil is hot at the moment, so will you jump on the band wagon.
Thank you so much for sharing us an interesting and excellent article. The principal content of this article is Review of Garten Gluck Leaf Spot. It is truly admirable that you have demonstrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like NEEM OIL. Neem oil is naturally very beneficial but I did not know before that it is so beneficial for container gardeners. I will use this neem oil in my container garden.
Finally, I would say it is a beneficial natural oil that will be beneficial for your garden.
Hi Asraful
Neem oil is very useful in the garden for both pests and fungal infections. If you follow my advice, you will have healthy plants, all naturally without using those harsh insecticide or fungicides. Gardeners rave about it and so will you.