In this article, we will discuss how to create a bubble fountain inside a container. In a garden including a container garden, water can have a tranquil effect, as this is such an unusual feature that you can be different and create your own.

Bubble fountains like the one that will be created by using the information in this article go with other container water features to create your own patio water garden. To give a balanced feel it is best if an odd number of elements are grouped together. Ideally, these water containers should be of different diameters and height to complement each other.
This will add the sounds and signs of a pond to your patio area. One of the big advantages of having a small water feature is that small children will not be at risk of drowning, This is because there is no standing water, it will be elevated (away from the child’s face and hands) and the water is shallow.
In this article, we will show you how to create a bubble fountain in a container
First, you need to collect a large plastic pot (with a decorative pattern on it); a plastic wire hanging basket that fits inside the top of the plastic pot upside down; a small submersible pump that is preferably solar panel charged) and large, coloured, smooth pebbles (enough to cover the top of the pot).
Make a hole in the centre of the base of the plastic hanging basket, so that the nozzle of the submersible pump fits tightly when pushed through. Push the nozzle through until both the base of the basket and pump are flush with each other.
Drill a small hole that is just big enough to take the cable from the pump and then thread it through it. The hole should be drilled just under the rim of the plastic pot where it will not be as visible and where it will be above the water level.
Lower the submersible pump and hanging basket onto place at the bottom of the pot, making sure that is wedged in firmly.
Thread the cable through the hole and then connect it to a plug at a powerpoint or better still a solar panel.
Place a ring of the largest pebbles around the edge of the plastic hanging basket to keep it from moving. The basket is there to act and protect the pump from getting damaged. You will now have the pump, hanging basket and pebbles in place and you can now partly fill the pot with water until you can just see the level. This will provide a sufficient level to feed the pump as it returns through the pebbles.
The top of the container should be continued to be filled with smooth pebbles. Ideally, they should be of differing sizes and colours. Continue to fill but leave the pump nozzle exposed.
Fit the fountainhead over the nozzle and man different form exist that will give different patterns, so you do have a choice for the one that you can go for.
Patterns include bell shape or spray feature. Use more pebbles to hide the base of the nozzle.
As said above the bell fountain is one of the best patterns for outdoors, as this will stand any winds that may be blowing through your garden. You can use a fountain nozzle that makes tiny droplets that blow in the breezes creating a one-sided effect.
Switch the pump on and adjust the height of the fountainhead as necessary, moving it up and down slightly so that the bubbles stay within the container and the water does not splash over the edge. You have now a fully working bubble fountain.
Be sure to set up the fountain carefully, so that the submersible pump is constantly covered with water. Adjust the jet so that the water trickles back into the pot and so is continuously recycled back. If the flow rate is too high which will soon empty the pot and the pump will run dry. This will damage the pump in the long run.
To prevent this make sure the water is returned to the pump and to top up the level at least once a week since evaporation will gradually lower the water level in hot summers.
The pebbles, pots and pump must be all perfectly clean when you get the feature set up. Any dirt, grit, leaves and soil will soon clog the pump and stop it from working. Try to use a solar panel pump as it will be easier to set up, or if you do use one connected to an electrical supply that a qualified electrician has connected to a power supply, as required by the health and safety guidelines. This way the pump you have set up will be safe for you, your pets and your children.
Use a micropump that will work with a small quantity of water. Place it in a bowl-shaped plastic pot that has a hole at the bottom. Attach a clear plastic tube on the nozzle and set the pump into the pot into the hole (The same pump above can be used). You have to make sure that the nozzle does not protrude too much from the pot.
Drill a hole under the pot rim, thread the cable through and connect it to a solar panel. This will leave the rim of the pot clear. Use a wire hanging basket (remove any chains) and firmly fit it inside the pot. The hanging basket must fit into the pot snuggly and tightly. In this way, the pump should be covered and it should not slip.
Attach the top of the nozzle to the frame of the wire basket by using cable ties to hold it securely. The nozzle and plastic tubing will produce a clear fountain-shaped water jet.
Partly fill the container with water, making quite sure that the pump is completely submerged with 5cm from the top is spare.
Hide the pump and hanging basket cover with a layer of smooth, clean pebbles. Check pebble size that is in proportion to the pot, neither too small nor too big.
Switch the pump on and a simple fountain will trickle water over the pebbles. You can adjust the pump nozzle as needed to make the water appear at a suitable height, neither visible nor too high above the pot.
In this article, we have discussed how to create a bubble fountain and a small pebble water feature that can grace any container garden. They are not difficult to do, all you need to do is buy some widely available pieces of equipment, some time and some effort.
If you are prepared to do this, you will soon have the beautiful sight and sound of water in your patio area. Why do you not give it a try today?
If you have any comments or questions that you wish to make, please do so in the comment box below.
Create a bubble fountain today.