In this article, we will discuss how to grow this wonderfully colourful subshrub Argyranthemums in containers. You may find them sold under the more common name of marguerite. They are a firm favourite of gardeners for one specific reason is that this tender perennial/subshrub has one of the longest flowering periods of any flowers that thrive in containers. As they are tender they are treated as annuals for discarding at the end of the growing season.

The heavy serrated, fern-like green leaves are attractive as they appear in a tight mount but nothing special compared to the flowers that are produced. The daisy-like flowers can be yellow, pink or white and appear throughout summer and autumn.
As with all daisies, they are cheerful plants, bringing much-needed colour especially in autumn where colourful flowers can be in short supply. Can be grown with pansies and violas to give an elegant display but in my opinion, they look better when grown as a specimen plant in a single pot.
For small containers look for dwarf varieties like the pink, double-flowering ‘Summer Melody’.
Marguerites like to grow in full sun or can take a light shade. Choose a pot that is within proportions to the plant- if it is small get a smaller container but if it is a large plant then get a large container. No matter what container you choose, make sure it has plenty of drainage holes. You will have to create some if your container does not have any by using a drill bit.

Fill the container with a 3cm layer of gravel and upon add a moisture-retentive but well-draining, multipurpose compost, Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball it was in the original container. Place the plant in at the same depth it came in the original container-no deeper or no shallower. Backfill with the growing media and fill any gaps with more compost. Firm the plant in and water well until it just emerges from the drainage holes.
Continue to water until the plant establishes especially if a dry period is being forecasted. They can take drought conditions once it has established. Saying that heatwaves will cause the plants to fade quickly, it may stop the plant from blooming but should start flowering once the temperature goes down. To reduce moisture loss you can add a 1cm layer of horticultural grit on top of the compost, as this will help greatly.
It is very important to have a productive flowering plant by deadheading regularly. This will not only make it more productive but also makes the plant look tidy. Although they can take light frosts, it is not recommended to leave them out for winter as this can kill them. As the plant tend to look scruffy after one growing season, it is better to treat them as an annual and dispose of them at the end of the growing season.

At every monthly interval, it is best to feed with a liquid fertilizer that is high in potash to give it a boast and to produce more blooms.
In general, marguerites do not suffer from many pests or diseases, although the leaf miner may be a problem. This is best dealt with by removing as many affected leaves as possible. Not too many as this can affect the plant and look badly.
As different forms exist that have differing flower types and colours, you do have a choice.
You can have the single, white flowers of the Argyranthemum frutscens and the appealing A. foeniculum that has large blooms. The flowers are set against blue-grey, finely cut foliage that has a simple purity and elegance.

Argyranthemum ‘Beauty Yellow’ as the name implies has light yellow petals with dark yellow centres, where it will grow up to 60cm high.
Argyranthemum ‘Comet Pink’ has masses of pink petals and a yellow centre, where it will grow up to 40cm high.
Argyranthemum ‘Comet White’ has masses of white daisy-like flowers with yellow centres. It also grows up to 40cm tall.
Argyranthemum ‘Summer Melody’ has pink flowers with yellow centres and unusually it has double centres. It is a beautiful Marguerite.
Argyranthemum ‘Golden Butterfly’ produces masses of yellow flowers with yellow centres. A true beauty in the garden.
Other varieties include Argyranthemum ‘GranDaisy Pink’, Argyranthemum ‘GranDaisy Gold’ and Argyranthemum ‘GranDaisy Ruby’
In this article, we have discussed how to grow Argyranthemums in containers. As you can see they are not difficult to look after as long as you are prepared to feed regularly, water when required and deadhead when the blooms have become spent.
They are not long term plants unless you want to bring them under the protection of a conservatory or greenhouse in winter. They are not long-lived plants so if you want one in your container display it may be better if you propagate annually via cuttings. In this way, you can have new plants every year.
A plant that looks great growing in any patio container display.
If you have any questions or comments that you wish to make on growing Argyranthemums in containers, please do so in the comment box below,
Happy Argyranthemum growing.