Give Your Plants the Right Nutrients-What Elements Do Plant Needs?

In this article, we will be discussing the right nutrients that each plant requires to be at their healthiest. We all know that plants need certain elements to grow to their optimal in producing the greenest leaves, most colourful blooms and the most abundant fruits.

There are 118 known elements in the periodic table (some are artificially made) and the majority of these elements are not required by plants to flourish. In fact, only 6 elements are required in large quantities, whilst the other 17 are required in much lower quantities. Some elements are only required in such small quantities …

Plant Troubles to Prevent and Avoid in Container Gardening

In this article. I will be looking in-depth to what plant troubles to prevent and avoid in container gardening. In a previous article, I have discussed pests and diseases that can affect container plants in that article I only scratched the surface of what problem container plants can suffer from. I feel now is the time to discover more about plant troubles, so that:

a) They can be minimised and

b) Dealt with in a quick and decisive manner.

Firstly, it must be realised that even in the best garden in the world which is looked after by the best …

Rabbit and Deer Proofing your Container Garden- Stop Flower Heads Disappearing

Everybody remembers the story of Bambi, the young deer whose mother get shot dead by hunters, and his rabbit friend, Thumper. In Disney animation these creatures are fine but put Bambi and Thumper in your garden, and you wish that they were never born.

Plants can be devastated by rabbits and deers who have a large appetite for many plant varieties. It is a nightmare trying to come up with plants that are not favoured by deer and rabbits, and yet still attractive to have in the container garden.


In very harsh weather conditions, …

Diseases and Pests of Plants in Containers-What to Watch Out for?

Most diseases and pests that affect plants in containers, also commonly affect those that are found in gardens. These problems are often due to improper care, which can be often improved by better cultivation and maintenance of the plants in containers.

Chemical sprays are limited because of the vastly reduced numbers available, due to the number of chemical pesticides and fungicides that have been withdrawn that will tackle diseases and pests.

As consumers, we have become more environmentally friendly, and the effect pesticides have on our native species such as birds, bees, butterflies, and ladybirds are becoming better known. The …