In this article, we will be discussing what flowering bulbs can give your container display all-round the year colour. This can be used with my other articles in bulb I and bulb II for the description of each plant and what growing conditions they prefer.
You are not tied down to the late winter to late spring plants of Crocuses, Narcissi, Tulips, and Irises, followed by summer displays of lilies and gladioli. If you plant in containers, you will be in control of the growing conditions and so you can grow a large number of genera than often found in gardens itself.

Some genera have an extended flowering season from February to April and June-to October such as found in anemones. The reason for this is that these genera have a large number of species that flower at different times of the year, giving a long period of interest.
This article will be divided into 4 seasons, starting with the winter months. What must be realised when I talk about bulbs I am including true bulbs, corms, rhizome and tubers. All have been defined in my glossary of gardening terms. It must be appreciated that this guide is rough at best because of the months that bulb flowers as so much dependent on the weather and growing condition that it experiences. This can result in earlier or later flowering.
At this time of year, where colour is often in short supply. You can bring the lack of brightness with the following bulbs that are hardy and can take severe frosts.
In December, which tends to be a festive month in the lead up to Christmas, you can find species of Crocus and Cyclamen in the container garden.
In January, where the New Year begins, the garden slowly comes to life with Crocus, Cyclamen, Eranthis and Galanthus.
As February approaches and winter is on its way out, even more genera can be grown and these include Anemone, Bulbocodium, Chionodoxa, Crocus, Cyclamen, Eranthis, Galanthus, Iris, Leucojum, Narcissus, Scilla and Tulipa.
In the spring months, where the temperature is rising and the weather is getting better, you have more choice to what bulbs you can grow in containers.
In March, where spring has sprung, more colourful blooms, can be observed and you have much more of a choice.
These include Anemone, Bulbocodium, Chionodoxa, Crocus, Cyclamen, Eranthis, Galanthus, Hyacinthus, Iris, Leucojum, Muscari azureum, Narcissus, Puschkinia, Scilla and Tulipa.
Buy your spring bulbs from here.

In this month where the temperature continues to rise, the days are getting longer, Easter is in the air, and lambs are playing in the fields. In this month the choice of bulbs to grow and show increases further.
These include Anemone, Arum, Bulbocodium, Chionodoxa, Convallaria, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythronium, Fritillaria, Hyacinthus, Ipheion, Iris, Leucojum, Muscari, Narcissus, Ornithogalum, Puschkinia, Scilla, Sisyrinchium, Trillium, and Tulipa.
As spring continues in its final month, the sun shines longer and more bulbs can be on show in the garden.
These include Allium, Arum, Asphodelus, Brodiaea, Camassia, Convallaria, Corydalis, Erythronium, Fritillaria, Gladiolus, Hyacinthus, Ipheion, Iris, Leucojum, Muscari, Narcissus, Ornithogalum, Scilla, Sisyrinchium, Sparaxis, Trillium and Tulipa.
As the season changes from spring to summer, the bulb season continues with much more genera on offer. Sun will be at its strongest and you will spend the most time in the garden, so you will want it to look the best.
This is the sunniest month of the year and you want bulbs that look theirs brightest. These include:
Allium, Alstroemeria, Anemone, Asphodelus, Begonia, Camassia, Gladiolus, Iris. Lilium, Nomocharis, Oxalis, Ranunculus, Scilla peruviana, Sisyrinchium, Sparaxis, Trillium, Tropaeolum.
Summer is in full swing and so is your garden, it will be full of flowers. This does not mean that the bulbs you use stops but instead you will have a wide choice of what to include.

There are Agapanthus, Allium, Alstroemeria, Anemone, Begonia, Canna, Cardiocrinum, Crocosmia, Cyclamen, Gladiolus, Iris, Lilium, Oxalis, Ranunculus, Sisyrinchium, and Tropaeolum.
Summer can go out with a blaze of glory with these plant that continues to give beauty and joy to the container garden.
These include:
Acidanthera, Agapanthus, Alstroemeria, Anemone, Begonia, Canna, Cardiocrinum, Colchicum, Crinum, Crocosmia, Cyclamen, Dierama, Freesia, Galtonia, Gladiolus, Lilium, Ranunculus, Sisyrinchium, Tigridia and Tropaeolum.
A massive collection of spring bulbs can be found here.
The leaves start to fall from the trees, the temperature starts to fall, there is a nip in the air, but the beauty in the container garden does not have to stop. You still have a wide choice of bulbs that can be used, which brings its beauty along with the yellow, orange and red leaves, when the garden starts to slow down.
This can be a mixed month, we may get an Indian summer or maybe not. The garden still looks beautiful but will look even better, if you use these bulbs.
Acidanthera, Agapanthus, Amaryllis, Anemone, Begonia, Canna, Colchicum, Crinum, Crocosmia, Crocus, Cyclamen, Dierama, Freesia, Galtonia. Gladiolus, Leucojum, Lilium, Nerine, Schizostylis, Sisyrinchium, Sternbergia, Tigridia, Tropaeolum and Zephyranthes.
The first frost of the year happens, the nights are getting longer and all the annual bedding are past their best, and the perennials are retreating underground.
This is the time to show these bulbs:
Amaryllis, Anemone, Canna, Colchicum, Crocus, Cyclamen, Dierama, Freesia, Lilium, Nerine, Schizostylis, Sisyrinchium and Zephyranthes.
The temperature continues to drop, it continues to get darker and snow is possible. Apart from the evergreen shrubs and perennials, there is little colour in the garden.
What you can use are these few bulbs to bring colour into the garden: Colchicum, Crocus, Cyclamen and Schizostylis.
In this article, we have discovered what bulbs can be used in the container garden to bring colour and joy for all months in the year. As you can see, there are a large number of genera that can be used, especially from March to September. In the later autumn months and winter months, some bulbs can be used where few plants will be in flower. This article should help you have a better choice in what bulb to buy to continue your gardening year.
If you have any questions or comments that you wish to make, please do so in the comment box below.
Get planting bulbs in autumn, ready for spring and summer colour.
Thanks for sharing the information about bulbs in container they are so pretty and I love that they are so colorful! I have been focusing too much on growing herbs and everything in my patio is just green so these bulbs will make a pop of color that I can enjoy, as we know winter is right around the corner. Thanks for the tips for each months, I will grab some for sure.
Hi Nuttanee
It is my pleasure to help any gardener decide to what bulbs they should grow to give plenty of flowers throughout the gardening year. You are not limited to the same boring flowers that most have nad you can go wild. Why don’t you try some today?
Hello there, I have to say I am happy to see such a wonderful article because I have just started a small garden at my house because if the pressured from my daughter and I have decided to give her as she wishes and this article is really good and I have learned so much from it. I hope to keep getting more from here.
Hi Justin
I t is great that my article has got the creative juices flowing and that my idea of what bulbs can be grown in containers to give colour throughout the year. They are simple to fill and you should get many months of enjoyment from them. You should listen to your daughter
Thanks for stopping by
Wow there are so many plants that add color to a garden! I love colors so this is helpful for creating my ideal garden. There’s so many options for this month, September! I like that you put the plants in alphabetical order it looks nice. Thanks for this information! It was fun reading about nature.
Hi Lex
I always trying to be helpful as much as possible, so that people have much more choice to what flowers they can grow in containers, no matter what time of the year it is. I am glad you noticed that I have put it in alphabetical order, as I like it that way.
Thanks for the kind words