In previous articles, I have gone into the various bulbs that can be planted in containers (see bulbs that can be grown in containers, part I-From A-G and bulbs that can be grown in containers, part II- From H-Z). It is now the time of the year to plant bulbs to give your container garden a beautiful display. You need to think about which bulbs you want to buy, when to plant them and what is the best arrangement for them.
Remember bulbs, unlike other plants, can be mixed with other bulbs to give beautiful spring displays, or they can be underplanted shrubs and perennials. This will give colour before the plants come into their own.

Bulbs are versatile and can give colourful displays for a number of years and the beauty of bulbs will multiply over time so that you have free offsets, which can be planted in other containers.
It is often difficult to decide, which bulbs to buy, but you can never go wrong with daffodils, tulips, crocuses, irises, muscaris, puschkinias, hyacinths, bluebells, and many more. You may be looking for other bulbs that are not often found in gardens. I suggest you consult my other articles on growing bulbs in containers, where you can find more choices, I will not repeat myself. You can find growing instructions in these two articles.
Remember it is best to plant bulbs, corms, tubers, or rhizomes 2 times their height. It is not good to plant the bulbs too shallow, where the bulb will protrude from the surface. It will struggle to grow. Conversely, it is not good to plant the bulb too deep, as the plant will struggle to break and emerge from the surface. It will quickly run out of steam.
With containers, you can use layer planting (also known as lasagna planting) where bulbs of various sizes are planted at various levels. The largest bulbs, such as large alliums and large tulips, are planted the deepest, which goes into the container first. 5 cm of compost is then added, then the next sized bulbs are added and the process is repeated until 3 or 4 layers are made. Just add 5cm of compost between each layer as you go up.

Large bulbs include large alliums, large lilies, large tulips, and large daffodils.
The next layer up can be planted with smaller bulbs, such as Dutch irises, muscari, species tulip, smaller daffodils. In the top layer goes the smallest bulb, such as small alliums, crocuses and anemones,
These are my recommendation for 6 of the best spring-flowering bulb collections to buy.
Please note that all bulb sizes quoted are based on their circumference. A smaller circumference implies a smaller bulbs, whilst a large circumference signifies a large bulb.
1) Name of Product: 101 Flower Bulb Collection, 6 Spring Flowering Varieties
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: 18cm x 7 cm x 27cm
Shipping Weight: 0.5kg
This collection is presented in a large, brown paper bag, which is important in these environmentally friendly times. What you get us 6 of the most popular spring flower bulbs including:
- 25 Muscari bulb size 6/7cm
- 28 Oxalis bulb size 2/4cm
- 13 Crocus special mix bulb size 5/7cm
- 19 Iris hollandica mix bulb size 6/7cm
- 12 Tulip bulb size 10/12 cm
- And finally 4 Narcissus mixed coloured bulb size 8/10cm.
All bulbs are grown in the Netherlands which guarantee quality. Do not worry as each bulb variety are individually packed with an identification written on top of them. All bags come with detailed written instructions.
- A big value pack containing 101 bulbs, which is reasonably priced.
- You get six varieties so you can make a mix and match display.
- The bag it comes in is environmentally friendly.
- The bulb comes from the Netherlands and therefore will be of top quality.
- Some people complain that the box has some varieties missing. It is advised to open and check the package immediately on arrival. Contact the supplier if something is missing.
- Sometimes with bulbs, some do go off in storage and transit. It is best to arrange a complaint as soon as possible if this is observed.
2) Name of Product: Daffodil Mixed Colour, 1kg
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: Unknown
Shipping Weight: 1kg
Who does not like Narcissi and daffodils in their containers as it has long been considered to be one plant that herald the arrival of spring. This mixed daffodils come in shades of orange, yellow and white, some with large, long cups, whilst some have short cups.
The petals and cup can be either the same colour or the petal and cups can be different colours of white, orange, or yellow.
Some of the flowers may be double or semi-double but this is dependent on the bag they come in, as they are randomly packed. You never know but you may get a scented one.
Each bulb that are supplied have a circumference of 12 to 14cm, where each flower appears in April to May. Expect an array of plant heights from 15cm to 50cm, of different shades and forms. This collection of daffodils will provide colour in containers during the spring months.
Plant in autumn to get your colour display. If you want to know how many bulbs you get in 1kg, it changes from bag to bag. A rough, conservative guess is anywhere between 25 to 35 bulbs.
- You get a variety of daffodils and narcissuses.
- All shaded of yellow, white, and orange are covered. Double, semi-double and single flowers.
- For the number of quality bulbs, you are getting it is worth the price.
- If you are looking for one variety this is not for you.
- Some bulbs may have passed their best. This issue should be raised with the supplier as soon as possible.
3) Name of Product: Spring Flowering 505 Bulb Bumper Collection
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: Unknown
Shipping Weight: Unknown
This is one of the best deal you will see for your spring bulbs, as you get a massive 505 bulbs. This will give many months of colour for many years to come. With this, you get a dazzling array of colours, forms, and shapes from early spring all the way to early summer. This is perfect for containers on patios, where they can be allowed to naturalize and give a bigger and better display for many years to come. In this bumper collection, you get 10 different varieties of bulb. This is a super deal.
In this collection you have:
- 12 bulbs of Tulip ‘Coors’ (Size 11/12cm) that produces stunning colourful tulips, which are sure to draw attention with their vivid, dual toned markings.
- 1 bulb of Hyacinth ‘Blue Pearl’ (Size 14/15cm), which have heavenly scented blue/violet blooms throughout spring months.
- 70 bulbs of Brodiaea ‘Queen Fabiola’ (Size 4/5cm), which provides violet star-shaped blooms in June and July. It grows up to 30cm in height.
- 80 bulbs of Anemone ‘De Caen Mixed’ (Size 3/4cm) with vibrant single-stemmed poppy flowers will brighten up any garden, flowering between April and May.
- 50 bulbs of Muscari armeniacum (Size 5/6cm), which produces spikes of densely deep blue flower heads in March to April. It grows up to 15cm in height.
- 12 bulbs of Daffodil ‘Yellow Cheerfulness’ (Size 10/12cm). RHS award-winning variety of Narcissus; they bear highly fragrant clusters of ruffled, two-toned yellow flower heads.
- 60 bulbs of Allium Sphaerocephalon (Size 4/5cm). An understated allium with unusual oval-shaped, purple-green flower heads.
- 80 bulbs of Allium moly (Size 4/5cm) that produces bright yellow heads of tiny flowers in May to June. It grows up to 25 cm tall.
- 90 bulbs of Chionodoxa Mixed (Size 4/5cm). Beautiful shades of pink white and blue flower through February to March; in time they will multiply to form a carpet of starry blooms.
- And finally, 50 bulbs of Sparaxis Mixed (Size 4/5cm), which produces star-shaped flowers in an array of colours with brilliant kaleidoscopic like centres.
- You get 505 bulbs for a very reasonable price.
- You have 10 varieties, which will brighten any container garden.
- Gives you many months of fabulous colours, which will get better as the bulb naturalises.
- Fill many containers cheaply.
- As with all bulbs, some of them may be of poor quality and will need replacing.
- Most bulbs are on the small side, so will not be suitable for layer planting.
- Occasionally the variety advertised will not be available so substitution may need to be made. Not good if you were looking for one variety and it has not be supplied. You may be supplied with a variety that you have hundreds of.
- Occasionally the variety comes with a missing label, which can make identifying which bulb you got, impossible to do.
4) Name of Product: Hardy Allium Bulb Collection
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: 30cm x 17cm x 10cm
Shipping Weight: 0.25kg
Allium bulbs are wonderful additions to any container garden, as these provide an explosion of colour in April-June. The flowering spikes offer such beautiful colours at varying height that you wonder what you did before you had them. In this collection, you get a mix of varieties that are tough and hardy, and very easy to look after.
The collection is ideal for those who like to grow their own cut flowers. Allium will brighten any patio area.
The box contains 100 alliums bulb in 7 varieties:
- 6 bulbs of Allium nigrum, which produces white, star-shaped flower on globe flower heads. This is a stunning feature in any container garden.
- 7 bulbs of Allium christophii that produces long stems top with large, lilac, spherical flower heads.
- 7 bulbs of Allium ‘Purple Sensation’. The allium to grow with its huge, bright spherical, purple flower heads that appear on thin stems. A very hardy plant.
- 6 bulbs of Nectaroscordum siculum, which is not a true allium but a very close relative. This plant produces 30 bell-shaped nodding, orange-red flowers that are produced on tall stems.
- 25 bulbs of Allium ‘Drumstick’ that produces fluffy, small purple flowers on long straight stems. The stems look like a drumstick. Best planted en masse in containers.
- 25 bulbs of Allium moly, a small variety of allium that produces a wild, more natural-looking, yellow flowers.
- 25 bulbs of Allium neapolitanum, which produces white, small star-shaped flowers that are sometimes bluish-pink in colour.
As you can see you get a massive amount of alliums, enough to keep any gardener happy.
- You get 100 bulbs of 7 varieties at a reasonable price.
- You get alliums of different heights and forms, which will give a stunning container display in spring.
- Will get taller and better displays as the bulbs get bigger.
- A mass of spherical flowers of lilac, blue, purple and white in spring, which will contrast with the yellow of daffodils well.
- As ever when you get these bulbs, some may be beyond use and should not be planted. If any are found like this, it is best to raise it up with the seller.
5) Name of Product: Triumph Tulip Bulb Mixed
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: Unknown
Shipping Weight: Unknown
Tulips look stately in the garden and this is no different in the container garden. The triump tulip are wind-resistant variety, which makes them a prime candidate to use in wind exposed sites. This triumph variety comes in 9 colours, which is a trademark of the triumph range. The stem in which the flowers are borne are strong, which means they would not need staking. It is best to plant these large bulbs in groups, which will provide a display until May.
All bulbs supplied have a circumference of 11-12cm for better results. It is normally recommended to plant tulips in November to prevent exposure to viruses and to give the plant time to establish before the really cold weather arrives.
- You get 100 bulbs of the wind resistant Triumph variety at a reasonable price,
- You get a whole range of colours from yellows, whites, reds, pinks and oranges. The whole pallet of warm colours.
- Will look good in containers in a patio area or by the side of the front door.
- As ever the quality of bulbs will be uncertain, so it is advised to check and return any bulbs that have rotten.
6) Name of Product: Jumbo Crocus Mix
The Best Place to Buy:
Product Dimensions: 13.2cm x 10cm x 5cm
Shipping Weight: 0.358kg
Crocus to me are some of the most beautiful looking flowers you will see in early spring. You will see yellows, whites, purples, lilacs and bicolour covering grass banks. In containers, along with tulips and daffodils, the colour will be outstanding.
What you get are 7/8cm circumference crocus corms that have been grown in Holland. This ensures that the quality will be met throughout the growing process. These bulbs will not disappoint.
- You get 100 bulbs for a reasonable price.
- You get a mixture of colour from yellow, whites, purples, blues, lilacs and bicolour so should meet any gardener needs.
- Will naturalize and produce more blooms in the proceeding years.
- You may find bulbs that are not in the best shape. Discard them and telephone the supplier for replacements.
- The colour range is random, so you may get more of one colour than others. This may unbalance a display.
In this article, 6 of the best spring-flowering bulb collections to plant now have been reviewed. As you can see there are beautiful bulbs that cover all shapes, sizes, forms, and colours of the rainbow that any gardener would be happy to have. You can have colour from February all the way to June, so would add interest after a long, harsh winter.
The beauty will take your breath away, as you walk amongst the flower in the spring sunshine.
As this is the time of year to buy your bulbs and I recommend you try these six collections now.
If you have any question that you wish to raise or a comment that has been digging at you, please do so in the comment box below.
Happy bulb planting.
I have never really been much of flowers person and being a guy I think thats understandable but my wife would really love to have these at home.
hahaha I really prefer having a very green loan and will make sure I limit how much colour she intends to put on the yard. Will try some of these and just a little bit of that yellow and white bulb flower since the prices are really affordable. Thanks for the help, every house really needs some colour other than green.
Hi Donny
I always say if you are interested in eating then you should be interested in gardening, as one cannot survive without the other. I am glad your wife will enjoy the collection, as this provides enough beauty to anybody eyes. I am all about supplying information to make an informed and important decision. Green is not the only colour as you see.
This is a very informative article about the best flowering bulbs for spring. So many to choose from for not that much to invest in. Thank you for the tips on planting in layers. I have learned something today!
It would be great to add more pic. of some of the flowers mentioned. Pictures do speak a thousand words.
Overall, a great read and helpful tips!
Hi Chloe
All the pictures that you like on bulbs is shown on the previous articles Bulbs that Can be Grown in Containers, Part I- From A-G and Bulbs that can be Grown in Container, Part II-From H to Z. I did not what to repeat myself. I always recommend people growing bulbs as a beginner. It looks good and you will get more confident. So why don’t you give it a try.
Kind regards
You are expert at gardener. I love those flowers.. I couldn’t decide which flower to plant. One day, I will buy few of the flowers bulbs and if there is any instructions, I will follow that instructions properly. Those flowers will appears in right way. I’d appreciate that you describe each of them. Thanks for the tips!
Hi Carolyn
Thank you for stopping by and Commenting. You can never go wrong with bulbs as often they do not fail. You should take gardening up as it is important in improving your well-being.
I was struggling to decide which of the best spring flowering bulbs to buy for my container garden until I found your site. Your detailed information is awesome. It’s not only that you highlight the best ones to buy but you also discussed the optimal times to plant them and the best arrangement for them in the garden.
I am thinking of investing in your fifth option: Triumph Tulip Bulb Mixed not only because of their stately look and wind resistance features but also the fact that it will be very gorgeous in my patio or even beside my front door.
Thanks for this fantastic post. I will share it.
Hi Chris
As they say there are many choices you do not know which if the best. With my review you can buy collections and save a buck a two. I really appreciate your selection, as you can never go wrong with tulips. Bulbs on containers look good everywhere and so is a must for any spring garden.
Thank you for your insightful comment.
Hi Antonio;
This is a great post for me right now. We’re thinking of selling our home in the next couple of years and I’ve been looking for easy things to do to give it more curb appeal.
A flowering bulb collection is a great idea to do in strategically placed tubs around the front of the house and on the back patio. It’s easy to set up and should look lovely in the spring when the real estate market gets going.
You’ve highlighted some great collections of flowering bulbs here and it won’t be hard to pick something for our needs. Thanks for all the great detail. I particularly like the 101 Flower Bulb Collection to start and then add to it if it works well.
Stella 🙂
Hi Stella
I only come up with suggestions and leave it to individuals to what they buy. All of these bulbs will look good in containers and most certainly brighten up any home.
Thank you
Hi Antonio. I don’t have a lot of experience in gardening but since I recently retired, I am thinking of taking up gardening in a serious way. My mother was always busy in her garden and I always admired the beautiful blooms and her satisfaction as she contributed to nature. After this article, I am realizing that my way of just planting any old way is not the way. I appreciate the details you have laid out both in method and analysis of what is available. I am definitely going to go into bulbs, I think I specially like the concept of layering. Thank you for sharing this information.
Gardening is not only good for your well-being but also good for the soul. Bulbs are easy to grow and tend to do better than other plants. This is why I recommend them for beginners, as it will give confidence and leads to you becoming more adventurous. Why don’t you give it a try.
Hello Antonio,
This article is very informative. I think that planting bulbs 2 times their height is a good too in gardening. That is simply because even though we have beautiful plants in our garden, if they didn’t grow as expected or protruded from the surface, the beauty of the plant lessens to a considerable amount. I haven’t tried layer planting technique yet. But it seems interesting that I’m thinking of giving it a try. Will it be harder to maintain once the flowers have blossomed?
I saw that you have recommended few good bulb collections to buy. And I appreciate that you have mentioned both pros and cons regarding those recommendations. It’s a good thing to know more about any product before purchasing it online. All in all this was an interesting article to read. 🙂
Hi Anjali
Thank you for your kind remarks. Layer planting can be left alone and will get better with age. After a while it may get congested, which means the bulbs will need to be thinner and the offsets removed and planted elsewhere. That is all that is required.
There are a lot of bulbs out there and I thought about which collection I would buy in my container garden. They will get better with time.
I love when I see beautiful colorful flowers in gardens! Unfortunately I don’t have a garden yet but a balcony.
I’d love to add flowers on it but don’t know where to start and what to pick. It’d be great to have your advice! Can you have the same flowering bulb collection that you reviewed here planted in pots on a balcony? Thank you! That was very informative!
Hi Fityourselfbarre
My whole website concerns container gardening and is designed for those who have no traditional garden, including balconies. Yes, of course, all these bulbs can be grown in containers in a balcony, where they will add plenty of colour in spring. Your balcony will look stunning