Growing Honeysuckle in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow honeysuckle in containers. If you want one climbing plant in the garden that not only looks attractive but produces colourful blooms that are often scented, then this is a plant for you.

A sunny wall or fence that has honeysuckle growing against it cannot be beaten.  It is a popular plant around the world and often grows wild in the countryside, including the UK.

It is an easy plant to grow and if your space is limited or if you do not have any ground to grow the plant in, …

Growing Trumpet Vine in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow trumpet vine in containers to give beauty in the garden. Trumpet vine or Campsis radicans to give its Latin name is a plant that is worth growing in the container garden because of what beauty and joy it will bring. This is provided that you keep its rampant growth in check.

In its native America, it is known as a Hummingbird plant, where the 5-7.5cm long, red-orange to yellow, trumpet-shape flowers, attract these birds to pollinate them. The flowers often appear in early to midsummer, where its attractiveness can be …

Clay Granules, a Review- Are they a Good Investment in the Container Garden?

Name of Product: Westland Hydroleca Clay Granules

 The Best Place to Buy:

 Product Dimensions: 54cm x 25cm x 10cm

Shipping Weight: 3.38kg

 My Score: 9/10

In this article, we will be discussing why you would want to use ceramic balls in the container garden. In a previous article, I discussed the difference between perlite, vermiculite and horticultural grit and in that article, I did not mention the fourth option and that is ceramic balls. This will be addressed in this article as we discover if you need it in the container garden.


The ceramic …

Growing Jasmine in Containers-How to Grow this Scented Climber?

In this article, we will be discovering how to grow Jasmine in containers. These plants tend to be valued for their heavenly fragrance produced by their flowers.

Jasmine does twine to some extent, but as a group, they are really in the category of shrubs. Some have long, arching stems, however, which can be grown as vines.

They are very popular in warm climates where they are usually evergreen and bear flowers in winter, spring or summer. This does not mean that these climbers cannot be grown in cooler climates but they may need extra protection.


Getting the Warmth and Humidity Right for your Houseplants

In this article, we will be discussing why getting the warmth and humidity right for your houseplant is so important. When you grow houseplants you know that you have to get the lighting levels right, the watering regimes correct but there is more that houseplants require.

Houseplants also need the temperature to be within a certain value and the humidity to be within a certain range. This is because houseplants do not do well if they are too cold and the air is too dry. This article addresses these two issues, so you know what temperature and humidity to use.…

Growing Honeyberries in Containers- How to Grow this Interesting Fruit

In this article, we will be discussing how to grow honeyberries in containers. We have all become accustomed to growing blueberries in our gardens, where most of us grow them in containers.

This is because it is easier to control the growing media the plant is grown in, as they prefer ericaceous compost. It is not easy to grow blueberries in the garden, as they have too many demands.

A plant that is similar but easier to grow is honeyberries or haskap as it is alternatively known. Is it worthwhile in growing this fruit bush in containers, well find out …

Growing Grasses and Sedges in Containers

In this article, we will be discussing what ornamental grasses and sedges that can be grown in containers.

Grasses and sedges tend to be elegant and versatile plants, with slender foliage and fluffy flowers that contrast beautifully with broad-leaved plants.

In recent years more and more container gardeners realise the decorative value of growing sedges and grasses amongst your container plants. The fine-looking leaves look good contrasting against smooth solid paving slopes. Raising plants up above ground level helps to display the beautiful arching shapes of some of the grasses at more of an eye-level, giving an instant impact.

Ornamental …

Which Way Does Your Garden Face- Getting the Planting Right Based on Sunlight Levels

In this article, we will be determining which direction your garden or container garden face, as this often determines what plants will do well. The amount of sunlight plants get will determining what will flourish and what will struggle.

If you read my various articles, you know that I make stress to the plants preferred light growing conditions, be it in full sun, partial or full shade. This article is to help you determine which direction your garden is facing.

If you know the garden aspects, it will help you make not only the right plant choice but also help …

Fungus Clear Ultra, a Review- A Fungicide Like No Other?

Name of Product: Fungus Clear Ultra Concentrate, 225ml

 The Best Place to Buy:

Product Dimensions: 48cm x 81cm x 16.2cm

Shipping Weight: 260g

 My Rating: 8/10

In this article, we will be discussing if Fungus Clear Ultra is worthwhile to have in your garden toolbox. In past articles, I have discussed other fungicides include garlic wonder, SB Invigorators and neem oil.

It is time to see if there is another fungicide that can be used if the others do not live up to the promise. As we often walk around the garden after it has been dry, you …

Houseplants for Very Bright Locations- Taking Direct Sunlight

In this article, we will be talking about plants that can take a very bright location; an area where some direct sunlight will not be detrimental to its health.

A lot of houseplants do not do well in direct sunlight, where the sun rays can bleach leaves. This is not desired as after exposure, the beauty of the plant colours are lost and the leaves will not look their best.

Some plants will lose leaves if they are exposed to hot sunny and dry conditions. You must match the growing conditions of the plant if you want them to do …